1. 소개
2. 배경
Samuel "Deadlift" Gains was a young calf during "The Great Bovinion Wrangling" and escaped aboard a dairy transport bound for the Flexon, where all inhabitants are incredibly muscular! A Kremzon took him in and put him on a rough training regiment, to prepare for his revenge on Sheriff Lonestar.
Samuel grew stronger as the years passed, and one day, when Lonestar visited the planet, tried to ambush him at the spaceport. The cowboy saw through his plan and made Samuel lose his balance while he was preparing to throw a spaceship. Samuel woke up in a hospital with one of his arms and horns replaced by mechanical versions, and a note saying that they were a gift for "Pursuing a common goal." Lonestar and the inhabitants of Flexon thought he was dead, so his "revival" earned him the nickname: "Deadlift".
Back on his quest to avenge the Bovinions, Deadlift joined the Awesomenauts after telling Blabl Zork that he could pull out solar drills with his bare hands. He's secretly planning his final strike to put the cowboy out of business for good.
3. 능력치와 역할군
4. 스킬
4.1. 평타 - 아이언 슬램
4.1.1. 스킬 업그레이드
모티베이셔널 붐박스 봇 LV1 125[image]
스웻-와우-밴드 LV2 175[image]
4.2. 우클릭(Q) - 파워 런지
4.2.1. 스킬 업그레이드
4.3. 휠클릭(E) - 프로텍티브 포즈
4.3.1. 스킬 업그레이드
4.4. 보비니안 리프트 오프/유틸리티