10 german bombers
1990년대 초반부터 불려진 노래로, 2006 FIFA 월드컵 때 영국인들이 응원곡으로 이것을 불러 화제가 되었다.
There were 10 German bombers in the air,
There were 10 German bombers in the air,
There were 10 German bombers, 10 German bombers,
10 German bombers in the air.
And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
And the RAF from England, RAF from England,
The RAF from England shot 1 down.
이 후렴구가 10에서 9가 되어 다시 시작된다.
here were 9 German bombers in the air,
There were 9 German bombers in the air,
There were 9 German bombers, 10 German bombers,
9 German bombers in the air.
And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
And the RAF from England shot 1 down,
And the RAF from England, RAF from England,
The RAF from England shot 1 down.
다음은 9에서 8, 8에서 7 이런 식으로 0이 될 때까지 반복된다.
There were no more German bombers in the air,
There were no more German bombers in the air,
There were no more German bombers, no more German bombers,
No more German bombers in the air.
'Cos the RAF from England shot them down,
'Cos the RAF from England shot them down,
'Cos the RAF from England, RAF from England,
'The RAF from England shot them down.
- 여기서 RAF는 영국 공군을 의미한다. 2차 세계 대전 당시 영국 본토 항공전에서 영국 공군이 독일 폭격기들을 격추해 버린 데에서 나온 노래다. 주로 영국 훌리건들이 술에 취해 독일팀과의 경기를 할 때 부르는 노래다.