Of Guards And Thieves/무기
1. 개요
Of Guards And Thieves의 무기를 설명하는 문서.
2. 주 무장
1. AVP [image]
2. AZ47 [image]
3. Flamethrower [image]
4. Hunting Rifle
5. N4
6. NP5
7. NP5 K SD
8. Pump-Action Shotgun
9. Shield
10. Standard Crossbow
11. Syringe Rifle
12. Tactical Knife
13. XN8
3. 부 무장
1. COLD N1911 [image]
2. Explosive Pistol [image]
3. WK MK24
4. WK MK24 Compact SOP
7. Zakarov SD
8. Zlock 18
9. Zlock 18 SD
4. 유틸리티
1. Barbed Wire [image]
2. Bones Saw [image]
3. Caltrop [image]
4. ChemLight Blue [image]
5. Combat Knife [image]
6. Electrified Barbed Wire [image]
7. Firefighter Axe [image]
8. First Aid Spray [image]
9. Flare [image]
10. Fluorescent Glue
11. Frag Grenade A
12. Frag Grenade B
13. Glue Bottle
14. Hunting Knife
15. Incendary Grenade
16. Light Baton
17. Medic Syringe
18. Molotov
19. Portable Bush
20. Smoke Grenade
21. Stone
22. Wasp Jar
23. Wooden Baton