Dirty veins


1. 개요
2. 가사

1. 개요

밴드 그룹 '''APNEA'''[1]의 곡

2. 가사

I- pray for my dirty veins
and I confess my dirty thoughts
Destroy the sun to wash me clean
and pull me down, pull me down, pull me down
this sunlight makes me feel like i'm a little Snake
in the fire, in the hell fire
get me out of here and rescue me
so burn my husk to wash me clean
look at me, i'm not your child now
i know it hates me
I- pray for my dirty veins
and I confess my dirty thoughts
Destroy the sun to wash me clean
and pull me down, pull me down, pull me down
i can't be, i can't be the one who will be saved
yes i know, i can't be the one who will be saved
so pull me down to the deep night

3. 슈퍼스트링

네이버 웹툰 테러맨의 프롤로그와 프로모션 영상때 쓰였다.

[1] 탑밴드 시즌3 8강까지 올라갔다.
