세팔론 불


1. 개요
2. 대사
3. 기타
4. 관련 문서

1. 개요

Cephalon Vull
콘클레이브의 세팔론 쟁탈전 모드에서 등장하는 여성형 세팔론.

2. 대사

  • When Returned to Base
    • Vull is back! Did I miss anything gory?
    • Cephalon Vull is ready for more Operators! More please!
    • Back at base! Excellent! This is where the Operators fight most!
    • Hurah! Operators! What an excessive use of force!
    • Vull saw many terrible scenes of anguish. What a time to be self aware!
  • When Stolen
    • Do you need a time-out in the choices chair?
    • You're good at this; Vull will enjoy watching you die!
    • You are so cute! I want to hug you until your organs rupture!
    • All I want is a piece of you... to tear off and keep forever!
    • Look at you, I could just squeeze your shiny face until your skull collapses!
  • While Being Held
    • Vull thinks you have a kind heart. Let's take it out and see!
    • Return me, and my Operators will forgive you – with their guns!
    • Watch out for pits and gunfire! I 'wouldn't' want to see you get hurt.
    • Operators are looking for me. They just want to 'talk' to you regarding my release.
  • While The Holder is Idle
    • Vull wonders if you feel safer here. Let's hope not!"
    • Time is not healing your wounds! That's exciting!"
    • Good idea! Let's wait here and hope for... snipers!"
  • When the Holder Gets a Kill
    • What a waste of good suffering...
    • It's not your corpse, but I guess it will do.
    • You didn't even try negotiation! Vull approves.
    • Oh my, violently lashing out? Vull may have... feelings for you.
  • When the Holder Has Low Health
    • That was close! Vull is disappointed...
    • You almost died back there! Vull is having fun!
    • Dear me, your life juice is leaking out...
  • When the Holder is Killed
    • Vull does not blame you... just kidding.
    • Oh no! Vull thinks your suffering could have been much more prolonged.
  • While Both Cephalons Are Stolen
    • Vull reminds you: You cannot score if your Cephalon is taken.
    • No scoring is possible unless your Cephalon is also returned.
    • Useless waiting here if your Cephalon is missing. Let's look for trouble!

3. 기타

4. 관련 문서