Alphabet Aerobics


1. 개요
2. 가사

1. 개요

미국 캘리포니아의 힙합 듀오 "Blackalicious"가 '''1999년'''에 발표한 텅 트위스터 랩이다. 모든 알파벳에 따른 단어들을 순서대로 나열하면서 점점 빨라지는 랩이 특징으로, 대니얼 래드클리프투나잇 쇼에 나와 도전하고 많은 유튜버들이 따라 도전하게 되면서 유명해졌다.
라임어택의 정규 1집에도 이 곡을 오마주하여 만든 곡이 있다. 이름하여 'Man VS Machine'.

2. 가사

''( Now it's time for our wrap up''
''Let's give it everything we've got''
''Ready? Begin! )'' [1]
'''A'''rtificial '''a'''mateurs, '''a'''ren't '''a'''t '''a'''ll '''a'''mazing
'''A'''nalytically, I '''a'''ssault, '''a'''nimate things
'''B'''roken '''b'''arriers '''b'''ounded '''b'''y the '''b'''omb '''b'''eat
'''B'''uildings are '''b'''roken, '''b'''asically I'm '''b'''om'''b'''arding
'''C'''asually '''c'''reate '''c'''atastrophes, '''c'''asualties
'''C'''anceling '''c'''ats got their '''c'''anopies '''c'''ollapsing
'''D'''etonate a '''d'''ime of '''d'''ank '''d'''aily '''d'''oing '''d'''ough
'''D'''emonstrations, '''D'''on '''D'''ada on the '''d'''own low
'''E'''ating other '''e'''ditors with '''e'''ach and '''e'''very '''e'''nergetic
'''E'''pileptic '''e'''pisode, '''e'''levated '''e'''tiquette
'''F'''urious '''f'''at '''f'''abulous '''f'''antastic
'''F'''lurries of '''f'''unk '''f'''elt '''f'''eeding the '''f'''anatics
'''G'''ift '''g'''ot '''g'''reat '''g'''lobal '''g'''oods '''g'''one '''g'''lorious
'''G'''etting '''g'''odly in his '''g'''ame with the '''g'''oriest
'''H'''it em '''h'''igh, '''h'''ella '''h'''eight, '''h'''istorical
'''H'''ey '''h'''olocaust '''h'''ints '''h'''ear 'em '''h'''oller at your '''h'''omeboy
'''I'''mitators '''i'''dolize, '''I''' '''i'''ntimidate
'''I'''n an '''i'''nstant, '''I''''ll rise '''i'''n an '''i'''rate state
'''J'''uiced on my '''j'''ams like '''jh'''eri curls '''j'''ocking '''j'''oints
'''J'''ustly, it's '''j'''ust me, writing my '''j'''ournals
'''K'''indly I'm '''k'''indling all '''k'''inds of in'''k''' on
'''K'''arate '''k'''ick type brits in my '''k'''ingdom
'''L'''et me '''l'''ive a '''l'''ong '''l'''ife, '''l'''yrically '''l'''essons is
'''L'''earned '''l'''ame '''l'''ouses just '''l'''ose to my '''l'''ivery
'''M'''y '''m'''ind '''m'''akes '''m'''arvelous '''m'''oves, '''m'''asses
'''M'''arvel and '''m'''ove, '''m'''any '''m'''ock what I've '''m'''astered
'''N'''iggas '''n'''ap '''kn'''owing I'm '''n'''ice '''n'''aturally
'''Kn'''ack, '''n'''ever lack, make '''n'''oise '''n'''ationally
'''O'''peration, '''o'''pposition, '''o'''ff not '''o'''ptional
'''O'''ut '''o'''f sight, '''o'''ut '''o'''f mind, wide beaming '''o'''pticals
'''P'''erfected '''p'''oem, '''p'''owerful '''p'''unch lines
'''P'''ummeling '''p'''etty '''p'''owder '''p'''uffs in my '''p'''rime
'''Q'''uite '''q'''uaint '''q'''uotes keep '''q'''uiet it's '''Q'''uantum
'''Q'''uarrelers ain't got a '''q'''uarter of what we got uh
'''R'''eally '''r'''aw '''r'''aps, '''r'''ising up '''r'''apidly
'''R'''iding the '''r'''ushing '''r'''adioactivity
'''S'''uper '''sc'''ientifical '''s'''ound '''s'''earch '''s'''ought
'''S'''ilencing '''s'''uper fire '''s'''aps that are '''s'''oft
'''T'''ales '''t'''en '''t'''imes '''t'''alented, '''t'''oo '''t'''ough
'''T'''ake '''t'''hat, challengers, get a '''t'''une up
'''U'''niversal, '''u'''nique '''u'''ntouched
'''U'''nadulterated, the raw '''u'''ncut
'''V'''erb '''v'''ice lord '''v'''ictorious '''v'''alid
'''V'''iolate '''v'''ibes that are '''v'''ain make em '''v'''anished
'''W'''hile I'm all '''w'''ell '''wh'''at a '''w'''ise '''w'''ordsmith just
'''W'''eaving up '''w'''ords, '''w'''eeded up on my '''w'''ork shift
'''X'''erox, my '''X'''-radiation holes '''ex'''tra large
'''X'''-height letters, and '''x'''ylophone tones
'''Y'''ellow back, '''y'''ak mouth, '''y'''oung ones '''y'''aws
'''Y'''esterday's lawn '''y'''ard sell our '''y'''awn
'''Z'''ig '''z'''ag '''z'''ombies, '''z'''oom in to the '''z'''enith
'''Z'''ero in '''z'''en thoughts, over'''z'''ealous rhyme '''Z'''EALOTS!..

[1] Now 부분과 Let's 부분 (정확히는 L)에서 스크래치 사운드가 나는 게 특징이다.