Rest and Recreation


2016년 1월 22일
2015년 9월 28일 ~ 9월 30일
'''러닝 타임'''
고스트라이트 레코드
앨런 멩컨
스티븐 슈왈츠
크리스 몬탄, 스티븐 슈왈츠, 앨런 멩컨, 마이클 코사린, 커트 도이치
1. 개요
2. 영상 및 가사

1. 개요

2014년 샌디에이고에서 공연된 뮤지컬 노틀담의 꼽추의 넘버. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 스티븐 슈왈츠가 작사하였으며 피버스 역의 앤드류 사몬스키와 프롤로 역의 패트릭 페이지가 노래를 불렀다.
작중에서 피버스가 전쟁에서 돌아와 끔찍한 전장의 기억을 잊고 재충전의 시간을 가지려하지만 프롤로가 피버스를 맞이하며 파리의 부랑자들을 처리하는 것이 급하다고 이야기하는 노래이다.

2. 영상 및 가사

'''Rest and Recreation - Andrew Samonsky, Patrick Page, Ensemble'''
Four years at the front
Give a man a zest
For a little rest
And recreation
For the chance to hunt
For the spiciest
In the way of rest
And recreation
Give me your girls of pleasure
Your grapes of Merlot
Show me your wares and measure
One large sample
Sample them at my leisure
This three-day furlough
Should be ample
I have born the brunt
Of a soldier's test
Now I've made my way
Where I get to play
At rest and recrea—
Four years at the front
Four years at the front
Cannon fodder lying in the field below the castle
Is this the third week or the fourth week of the siege?
The air filled with a stench of bodies in a trench
Whoever pays the most I call 'My Liege'
Summoned here to Paris now
I'm far away from battle
From clotting blood and rotting wounds
Of dead and dying men
And whatever I do
I'll make sure this is true
I will never go back again
Darling, to be blunt
You are with the best
That's why I've been blessed
With this promotion
I've been working hard
Now I'm gonna be
Captain of the Guard
Ain't that a notion?
Like other true knights
I've got ambition
But for a few nights
Fun is my mission
So what do you say
Care to share a day
Of rest and recreation
[FROLLO, spoken]
Captain, welcome to the Cathedral Guard
[PHOEBUS, spoken]
I'm grateful for the opportunity to serve you, my Lord
[FROLLO, spoken]
Your early arrival is most auspicious
The pestilence of these gypsies grows more dangerous every day
Captain, you and I
Have a task we share
Stopping them and their
Paris looks to us
To us
To rid her streets of crime
To rid her streets of crime
This is war and thus
There is no time for
Rest and recreation