I Want the Good Times Back


2008년 2월 26일


'''러닝 타임'''
월트 디즈니 레코드
앨런 멩컨
글렌 슬레이터
앨런 멩컨
1. 개요
2. I Want the Good Times Back
3. I Want the Good Times Back (Reprise)

1. 개요

2008년 브로드웨이에서 초연된 뮤지컬 인어공주의 넘버. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 글렌 슬레이터가 작사를 맡았으며 우르슬라 역의 셰리 르네 스콧과 플롯섬 역의 타일러 메이너드, 젯섬 역의 데릭 바스킨이 노래를 불렀다.
작중에서 흑마법을 사용한 대가로 추방당한 우르슬라플롯섬젯섬과 함께 예전의 좋았던 시절로 돌아가는 것을 꿈꾸며 트라이튼을 무너트릴 계획을 세우던 중, 에리얼을 떠올리고는 트라이튼을 무너트릴 방법으로 에리얼을 이용하기로 결정하며 부르는 노래이다. 이후 에리얼이 우르슬라와 계약을 맺고 육지로 올라간 뒤 우르살라플롯섬젯섬에게 에리얼에릭과 키스하는 것을 막도록 지시하는 장면에서 반복(reprise)되어 다시 한 번 등장한다.

2. I Want the Good Times Back

'''I Want the Good Times Back - Sherie René Scott, Tyler Maynard, Derrick Baskin'''
When daddy dear was floating on his deathbed
He divvied up the kingdom into two
I got his magic shell
And half the sea as well
His trident went to—
You know who his trident went to
Don't you, babies!
My reign— why, it was blissfully delicious!
And glamour, glitz and style were au courante
Did I use some black magic?
Well, oopsie— my bad!
Did I mutilate, maim and destroy?
Just a tad!
And for that, I get banished!
But me, I'm not mad
There's just one little thing that I want
Just one teensy thing that I want
I want the good times back!
I want those grand ol' days!
I want the twisted nights
The sick delights
The wild soirees!
I want those trembling crowds of shellfish
Cracked and peeled for me to dine
Not because I'm mean or selfish—
[FLOTSAM & JETSAM, spoken]
I only want what's mine!
I want disgusting wealth!
I want exquisite sin!
Want the entire sea
To worship me
On bended fin!
I want to greet my loving subjects
And then have them as a snack!
Remember those good times?
I want them back!
Picture it, my sucklings
Pretty soon, we'll be back on top!
Sipping bubbly, eating caviar before it hatches!
King Triton is the only thing that stands in our way
If only I can find his Achilles heel
The soft quivering underbelly, beneath all that armor
I'll dethrone him!
De-bone him!
And then boys, oh, boys
We're back in business!
All together now:
You'll bring the good times back!
Resume your wacky fun!
Restore the joyful charm
Of causing harm
To everyone!
I want to make the merfolk cower
Like they did in days of yore
Sure, it's sheer abuse of power—
Ain't that what power's for?
I want to taste their tears!
I want to hear their screams!
I want the special rush
You get from from crushing
Hopes and dreams!
It's more than simply sentimental—
It's an aphrodisiac!
Remember those good times!
Oh God, were they good times!
It's time for more good times!
Let's get 'em back!
If only I had a way
To make him pay
I'd set ol' Triton straight!
His daughters
Why didn't we think of that before?
His youngest!
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
The one with the beautiful voice?
[URSULA, spoken]
Which she takes for granted!
A woman doesn't know how precious her voice is until she's been silenced
Perhaps we could teach them both a lesson
I want the little girl!
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
And boys, I want her bad!
[JETSAM, spoken]
I want her sitting here
To lure her dear
Devoted dad!
[FLOTSAM & JETSAM, spoken]
I want my goody-goody brother
To come rescue her— the sap!
And then one way or another—
[FLOTSAM & JETSAM, spoken]
I'll spring the trap!
And get the good times back!
I mean with all the perks!
The trident, crown, the throne
All mine alone!
The whole damn works!
But most of all, I want ol' Triton
Pinned and wriggling on the rack
Then, fellas, it's my time!
And frankly, it's high time!
Those fabulous good times
They're coming back!

3. I Want the Good Times Back (Reprise)

'''I Want the Good Times Back (Reprise) - Sherie René Scott, Tyler Maynard, Derrick Baskin'''
She didn't waste much time
The little shameless tease
One sunset’s barely through
And Princey-Poo is on his knees
They'll be smooching by day two, boys
If she keeps it up like this
So there's just one thing to do, boys
Go up and block that kiss!
Meanwhile I bet her Daddy's worried bad
And wondering where she's been
Soon he'll guess
And then, oh yes!
The real fun can begin!
[URSULA, spoken]
Onward and upwards my live wires!
And stop that lip lock!
[FLOTSAM & JETSAM, spoken]
Yes, your wretchedness!
So let the clock run out
Their time is almost up
And once they're trapped
I'll have them wrapped
Around my suction cup
With my tentacles around them
I'll at last be back on track
And headed for good times
Deliciously good times
Two days!
And the good times
They're coming back!