Panzer Battalion
1. 개요
MusikPanzer의 첫 BOFU 참가곡으로, 슈란츠 장르의 중독성 있는 곡이다. 제목의 의미는 독일어로 "전차 군단". 마침 작곡가 명의도 독일어이다.
1.1. 대회 결과
대회: '''G2R2018'''
총점: '''34016''' (37 임프레션)
중앙값: 950 / 1000.00
평점: 919.35 / 1000.00
개인전 스코어 순위: '''264위'''
개인전 중앙값 순위: 282위
개인전 평점 순위: 194위
1.2. 코멘트
Hello, My nickname is MusikPanzer.
This is my first participate in BOFU or G2R series. so I'm a little nervous.
Track's concept is Tank Battle & Military Propaganda. to give a strong impression of the song, I used Schranz genre and Rawstyle Kicks.
BGA were supposed to match the song, I prepared BGA plans too. but sadly I couldn't made it.
Instead, VizualPander and SmiGoon helped me a lot. as I said, This is my first time to prepare about G2R2018 and I got lots of problems.
Teammates also helped me. They tried to fix about my problems.
Anyway, This will be my first and great experience to me.
Hope you enjoy this and I will try harder next time too!
2. BMS
2.1. 개요
어나더 채보 영상.