Sweet Child


2008년 2월 26일


'''러닝 타임'''
월트 디즈니 레코드
앨런 멩컨
글렌 슬레이터
앨런 멩컨
1. 개요
2. Sweet Child
3. Sweet Child (Reprise)

1. 개요

2008년 브로드웨이에서 초연된 뮤지컬 인어공주의 넘버. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 글렌 슬레이터가 작사를 맡았으며 플롯섬 역의 타일러 메이너드과 젯섬 역의 데릭 바스킨, 에리얼 역의 시에라 보게스가 노래를 불렀다.
작중에서 플롯섬젯섬에리얼우르슬라에게 데려가기 위해 에리얼을 유혹하는 노래이다. 이후 에리얼에릭이 배 위에서 키스를 할 뻔한 순간에 전기 충격으로 동물들을 쫓아내어 방해한 뒤 반복(reprise)되어 다시 한 번 등장한다.

2. Sweet Child

'''Sweet Child - Tyler Maynard, Derrick Baskin, Sierra Boggess'''
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
Poor child
[JETSAM, spoken]
Poor, sweet child
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
She has a very serious problem, hasn't she?
[JETSAM, spoken]
Hmm, if only
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
There were something
[JETSAM, spoken]
We could do
[ARIEL, spoken]
Who are you two?
Sweet child
Poor child
So tragic
So misunderstood
Dear child
Sad child
Life's looking
Shall we say
Not good
Who will ease her woe's and worry's?
Who will help get her man?
Sweet child
Perhaps the Sea Witch can!
[ARIEL, spoken]
You can't possibly mean aunt Ursula?
She knows your dreams
[ARIEL, spoken]
Father says her magic is evil
She'll grant your prayer
[ARIEL, spoken]
Please, I have to go!
She'll cast a charm
A tiny spell
Why the alarm?
No one will tell
No one will care
It's your affair
Sweet child
Dear child
Poor child
Sad child
We'll bring you to her lair right now
Bet in half a sec
Your prince and you are reconciled
[ARIEL, spoken]
Take me to her!
Sweet child

3. Sweet Child (Reprise)

'''Sweet Child (Reprise) - Tyler Maynard, Derrick Baskin'''
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
She may have legs
But her love affair doesn't!
[JESTAM, spoken]
I didn't feel any sparks, did you?
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
No electricity whatsoever!
[JESTAM, spoken]
What's the poor sweet child to do?
It's such a shame
It's such a crime
To be so close
And yet so far
So overdue
Yet underpar
And out of time
It's too sublime
Sweet Child!
Poor child
And now her second sun has set!
Dear child!
Lost child!
There's still some hope—
Ya wanna bet?
One more day to get her lovepeck
One more day to snag her man
And then the squid will hit the fan
[FLOTSAM, spoken]
She'll be disgraced
[JESTAM, spoken]
Ugh, debased
Poor child!