Poor Unfortunate Souls
1. 개요
1989년 개봉한 디즈니 애니메이션 인어공주의 OST. 앨런 멩컨이 작곡, 하워드 애시먼이 작사를 맡았으며 우르슬라 역의 페트 케롤이 노래를 불렀다.
작중에서 에리얼이 인간이 되도록 도와주겠다며 우르슬라가 에리얼이 거래에 동의하도록 유혹하는 노래이다. 이후 트라이튼이 에리얼을 대신해 자신의 영혼을 우르슬라에게 넘겨주는 장면에서 반복되어(reprise) 다시 한번 등장한다.
2008년 브로드웨이에서 초연된 뮤지컬 인어공주에 삽입되었으며 우르슬라 역의 셰리 르네 스콧과 에리얼의 역의 시에라 보게스가 노래를 불렀고, Reprise는 트라이튼 역의 놈 루이스와 우르슬라역의 셰리 르네 스콧이 노래를 불렀다.
2017년 디즈니채널 TV 영화 디센던츠 2의 사운드트랙에 우르슬라의 딸 우마 역을 맡은 차이나 앤 맥클레인이 부른 버전이 수록되었다.
2. 애니메이션 인어공주 (1989)
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'''발매''' | 1989년 |
'''녹음''' | 1988년 |
'''장르''' | 브로드웨이 뮤지컬 스타일 |
'''러닝 타임''' | 4:49 |
'''발매사''' | 월트 디즈니 레코드 |
'''작곡가''' | 앨런 멩컨 |
'''작사가''' | 하워드 애시먼 |
'''프로듀서''' | 앨런 멩컨, 하워드 애시먼 |
'''Poor Unfortunate Souls - Pat Carroll''' |
'''불쌍한 영혼들 - 박정자#s-1''' |
'''원문''' | '''해석''' | '''한국어 더빙''' |
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways Repented, seen the light, and made a switch (True? Yes!) And I fortunately know a little magic It's a talent that I always have possessed And dear lady, please don't laugh I use it on behalf Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed (Pathetic) Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed Those poor unfortunate souls So sad, so true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them? Yes I do Now it's happened once or twice Someone couldn't pay the price And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals Yes I've had the odd complaint But on the whole I've been a saint To those poor unfortunate souls The men up there don't like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore Yet on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word And after all dear, what is idle babble for? Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn It's she who holds her tongue who gets a man Come on you poor unfortunate soul Go ahead Make your choice I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day It won't cost much Just your voice! You poor unfortunate soul It's sad but true If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet You've got the pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath And go ahead and sign the scroll Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys The boss is on a roll This poor unfortunate soul | 예전에 난 못되고 짓궂었지 사람들이 날 마녀라 부를 만도 했지 하지만 요즘엔 알 수 있어 내가 새 사람이 된 걸 뉘우치고, 빛을 보고, 변했지! (정말? 그럼!) 그리고 난 다행히도 마법을 좀 쓰지 그건 내가 항상 갖고 있던 재능이지 그러니 아가씨, 비웃지 말라고! 난 그것을 쓰지 비참하고, 외롭고, 우울한 이들을 위해 (불쌍해) 가엾고, 불행한 영혼들 고통받고, 도움이 필요하구나 얘는 날씬해지고 싶고 얘는 여자를 만나고 싶어 그리고 내가 도와주냐고? 물론, 그렇고 말고 저 가엾고, 불행한 영혼들 너무 슬퍼, 정말로 그들은 내 솥에 매달려 울어대, "우슐라, 마법을, 제발!" 그리고 내가 도와주냐고? 물론, 도와주지 자, 가끔 한두 번쯤의 문제는 일어날 만해 누군가는 대가를 못 치러 유감이지만 따끔하게 벌을 줄 수밖에 이상한 불평도 많이 듣지만 대체적으로 난 성자 같아 저 가엾고 딱한 영혼들에게 땅 위에 남자들은 떠드는 걸 안 좋아해 수다나 떠는 여자들은 따분하다 생각해 땅 위에서 여자들은 한마디도 안 하는 게 좋은 거야 무엇보다, 쓸데없이 떠들면 뭐 해? 이봐, 그들은 말로 감명받은 게 아니야 진정한 신사는 할 수 있다면 그걸 피해 하지만 그들은 사랑하고, 헤벌쭉하고, 비위를 맞추지 바로 내향적인 여자에게 혀를 가만히 두면 남자를 잡는다고! 가엾고, 불행한 영혼들이여 가보자고 선택을 해 봐 난 정말 분주한 여자라 하루 종일 여유가 없어 그렇게 많이 비싸진 않아 단지 네 목소리! 이 가엾고, 불행한 영혼 슬프지만, 사실이야 다리를 건너고 싶다면 대가를 치러야 해, 아가씨 한 모금 숨을 쉬고 두루마리에 계약을 해 플롯섬, 잿섬, 이제 내가 그녀를 잡았어 승승장구하고 있어 이 가엾고, 불행한 영혼 | 지난날엔 내가 몹시 무서웠지 모두 나를 마녀라고 불렀지 이젠 그때완 달라, 모든 걸 고쳤지 아주 많은 걸 바꿔버렸지 그래 나는 다행히도 마술을 좀 하지 그건 내가 갖고 있는 재주지 요즘에는 비웃지 마! 외롭고 가련한 아주 비참한 이를 보살펴주지 (딱하지?) 불쌍한 영혼들 도와주지 얘는 날씬하고 싶고 쟤는 상사병에 걸려 내가 도우면? 물론이지 저 불쌍한 영혼들 가엾구나 나의 마술봉에 모두 매달려 "우슐라 도와줘!" 내가 그렇담 해야지 가끔 얌체들도 있지 내가 도와주어도 그 대가를 안 치르면 혼낼 수밖에 사실 난 짜증도 나지만 언제나 잘 도와주지 정말 불쌍한 영혼들 남자들은 떠드는 걸 싫어해 수다장이 여자는 지겹대 입을 다물고 있는 숙녀를 좋아하지, 어떤 남자가 말장난을 즐기겠어? 얘 이봐! 말만 가지고는 마음이 안 움직여 진짜 신사는 그걸 피하지 남자 안달 나는 건 수줍어하고 부끄럼 타는 아가씨지 혀만 잘 놀리면 남자는 붙잡지 불쌍한 네 영혼 어서! 정하시지! 나는 아주 바쁘니까 그동안 종일 못 기다려? 큰 건 필요 없어, 목소리지 이 불쌍한 네 영혼 가엽구나 아무 대가 없이 그냥 다릴 가질 순 없지 이제 심호흡하고 서류에 서명해 얘들아 이젠 공주는 내 거야 내가 주인이야 이 불쌍한 영혼 |
3. 뮤지컬 인어공주 (2008)
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'''발매''' | 2008년 2월 26일 |
'''녹음''' | |
'''장르''' | |
'''러닝 타임''' | 5:20 |
'''발매사''' | 월트 디즈니 레코드 |
'''작곡가''' | 앨런 멩컨 |
'''작사가''' | 하워드 애시먼, 글렌 슬레이터Reprise |
'''프로듀서''' | 앨런 멩컨 |
3.1. Poor Unfortunate Souls
'''Poor Unfortunate Souls - Sherie René Scott, Sierra Boggess''' |
'''원문''' |
[URSULA, spoken] My dear, sweet child It's what I live for: to help unfortunate merfolk like yourself Poor souls with no one else to turn to (sung) I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways Repented, seen the light, and made a switch True? Yes And I fortunately know a little magic It's a talent that I always have possessed And here lately, please don't laugh I use it on behalf Of the miserable, the lonely, and depressed Pathetic! Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed Those poor unfortunate souls So sad, so true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them? Yes I do! Now it's happened once or twice Someone couldn't pay the price And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals Yes, I've had the odd complaint But on the whole I've been a saint To those poor unfortunate souls [URSULA, spoken] Here's my best offer, babykins I know a spell that will turn you into a human for three days Now, it's got a procedural clause, sort of a "squid pro quo" Before the sun sets on the third day, you've got to get dear ol' princey to kiss you If you do, you'll stay human forever [ARIEL, spoken] And if I don't? [URSULA, spoken] Nothing drastic, darling, I'm sure. Oh, look- small print: "Your soul is mine forever, and you're doomed to spend eternity in my watery, hell-soaked lair." Lawyers! Don't you just love 'em? Of course, there is one more thing My fee [ARIEL, spoken] But I don't have anything! [URSULA, spoken] I'm not askin' for much Only... your voice [ARIEL, spoken] My voice? But if I give away my voice, how can I ever— [URSULA, spoken] You'll have your looks Your pretty face And don't underestimate the power of body language! (sung) The men up there don't like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore Yet on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word And after all, dear, what is idle babble for? Come on, they're not all that impressed with conversation True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn It's she who holds her tongue who gets a man Come on you poor unfortunate soul Go ahead Make your choice I'm a very busy woman And I haven't got all day It won't cost much Just your voice! You poor unfortunate soul It's sad, but true If you want to cross the bridge, my sweet You've got the pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath And go ahead and sign the scroll Flotsam, Jetsam, now I've got her, boys The boss is on a roll This poor unfortunate soul! Beluga, sevruga, come winds of the Caspian Sea Larynxes, glaucitis, ad max laryngitis, la voce to me! (spoken) Now, sing! Sing your voice over to me! [ARIEL] Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah... [URSULA, spoken] Sing and keep singing! [ARIEL] ...ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah.... [URSULA, spoken] Now swim, swim, swim! Swim for your life, human child! Hahaha |
3.2. Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise)
'''Poor Unfortunate Souls (Reprise) - Norm Lewis, Sherie René Scott''' |
'''원문''' |
[KING TRITON, spoken] Ursula! [URSULA, spoken] Brother darling! You're right on cue [KING TRITON, spoken] Give Ariel back to me! [URSULA, spoken] Not on your life! (sung) It so happens that your daughter signed a contract [KING TRITON] No! [URSULA] Even drew a little heart above the "i" Is it binding? Goodness, yes! Unbreakable, unless— [KING TRITON] Unless? [URSULA] There is a little somethin' we could try [KING TRITON] Go on [URSULA] Yes Perhaps we can arrange a sort of tradeoff [KING TRITON] What? [URSULA] Maybe swap your daughter's soul for, say, your own Sign the scroll and set her free Or else she comes with me To suffer through eternity alone (spoken) The mute little hatchling Drowning in her own sorrow With no voice left to cry out your name Well? I'm waiting [KING TRITON, spoken] It's not my soul you're after It's my power [URSULA, spoken] Which would you rather be? The King of the Sea Or a father to his little girl? Finally! The oceans belong to me! (sung) And now you poor unfortunate soul! Time's up! You're through! Now the power of Poseidon Has been once again made whole All the magic of the trident And the shell in my control! And now dark shall reign forever Over ocean, sea and shoal! (spoken) Now see for yourselves how banishment feels! (sung) You poor unfortunate souls! |
4. 디센던츠 2
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'''발매''' | 2017년 7월 21일 |
'''장르''' | 팝 |
'''러닝 타임''' | 2:43 |
'''발매사''' | 월트 디즈니 레코드 |
'''작곡, 작사''' | Alan Menken, Howard Ashman |
'''프로듀서''' | |
'''Poor Unfortunate Souls - China Anne McClain''' |
'''원문''' |
I admit that in the past I've been a nasty They weren't kidding when they called me, well, a witch But you'll find that nowadays I've mended all my ways Repented, seen the light, and made a switch And I fortunately know a little magic It's a talent that I always have possessed And dear lady, please don't laugh, I use it on behalf Of the miserable, lonely, and depressed Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed Poor unfortunate souls So sad, so true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them! Yes I do Now it's happened once or twice Someone couldn't pay the price And I'm afraid I had to rake 'em 'cross the coals Yes I've had the odd complaint But on the whole I've been a saint To those poor unfortunate souls Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed Poor unfortunate souls So sad, so true They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them! Yes I do The men up there don't like a lot of blabber They think a girl who gossips is a bore! Yes on land it's much preferred for ladies not to say a word And after all dear, what is idle prattle for? They're not all that impressed with conversation True gentlemen avoid it when they can But they dote and swoon and fawn On a lady who's withdrawn It's she who holds her tongue who get's a man (come on you) Poor unfortunate soul Go ahead! Make your choice! I'm a very busy woman and I haven't got all day It won't cost much. Just your voice! (yeah, yeah) Poor unfortunate soul It's sad (so sad) but true If you want to cross the bridge You've got the pay the toll Take a gulp and take a breath And go ahead and (come on you) Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need This one longing to be thinner That one wants to get the girl And do I help them? Yes, indeed (come on you) Poor unfortunate souls In pain, in need They come flocking to my cauldron Crying, "Spells, Ursula, please!" And I help them! Yes I do |