'''ダメモトでもいい Let me see 다메모토데모이이 Let me see 안될것이라도 좋아 Let me see how I can do how I can do how I can do Maybe... Let be, let's see Maybe... Let be, let's see Maybe... Let be, let's see Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be 笑われてもいい I'll let you see 와라와레데모이이 I'll let you see 웃어버려도 좋아 I'll let you see how it will be how it will be how it will be Baby... let's find the key Baby... let's find the key Baby... let's find the key Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be この長い Winding road はどこへ 코노 나가이 Winding road 와도코에 이 기다란 Winding road 는 어디에 私を連れて行くの? 와타시오 츠레테 유쿠노? 나를 데리고가는걸까? 答えなんて No, I don't wanna hear 코타에난테 No, I don't wanna hear 답따위는 No, I don't wanna hear I want to see and find it out on my own I want to see and find it out on my own I want to see and find it out on my own 夢(タカラモノ)いっぱいキラキラ 타카라모노 잇파이 키라키라 꿈(보물)이 잔뜩 반짝반짝 つまんない Worries go away 츠만나이 Worries go away 지루한 Worries go away 7つ転んでも It's alright 나나츠코론데모 It's alright 7번넘어져도 It's alright Eight 数えて Rise again Eight 카조에테 Rise again Eight 세어서 Rise again 小さくたって 芽が出て 치사쿠탓테 메가 데테 자그마한 싹이 자라나서 花開く時はくるんだ 하나비라쿠 토키와 쿠룬다 꽃밭은 만들어지는거야 Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! It's all up to you Yes!! It's all up to you Yes!! It's all up to you 戦いはいつも真剣 타타카이와 이츠모 신케엔 싸움은 언제나 진검 So, 煩悩なんて Blow Away So, 본노우난테 Blow Away So, 번뇌따윈 Blow Away 7回転んだところで 나나카이 츠코론다 토코로데 일곱번 넘어진곳에서 Eight 数えて Rise again Eight 카조에테 Rise again Eight 세어서 Rise again 心配ないよ You'll be alright 신파이 나이요 You'll be alright 걱정없어 You'll be alright 巡り巡ってGrab the Chance Here, 메구리 메굿테 Grab the Chance Here, 끓고 끓어서 Grab the Chance Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! It's all up to you It's all up to you It's all up to you 夢、希望、未来 Won't you shine my way 유메, 키보우, 미라이 Won't you shine my way 꿈, 희망, 미래 Won't you shine my way''' ダメモトでもいい Let me see 다메모토데모이이 Let me see 안될것이라도 좋아 Let me see how I can do how I can do how I can do Maybe... Let be, let's see Maybe... Let be, let's see Maybe... Let be, let's see Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be 笑われてもいい I'll let you see 와라와레데모이이 I'll let you see 웃어버려도 좋아 I'll let you see how it will be Baby... let's find the key how it will be Baby... let's find the key Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be Let me, let you, let be この長い Winding road はどこへ 코노 나가이 Wining road와 도코에 이 기다란 Winding road는 어디에 私を連れて行くの? 와타시오 츠레테유쿠노? 나를 데리고가는걸까? 答えなんて No, I don't wanna hear 코타에난테 No, I don't wanna hear 답 따위는 No, I don't wanna hear I want to see and find it out on my own I want to see and find it out on my own I want to see and find it out on my own 夢(タカラモノ)いっぱいキラキラ 타카라모노 잇파이키라키라 꿈(보물)이 잔뜩 반짝반짝 つまんない Worries go away 츠만나이 worries go away 지루한 Worries go away 7つ転んでも It's alright 나나츠코론데모 It's alright 7번 넘어져도 It's alright Eight 数えて Rise again Eight 카조에테 Rise again Eight 세어서 Rise again 小さくたって 芽が出て 치사쿠탓테 메가데테 자그마한 싹이 자라나서 花開く時はくるんだ 하나비라쿠 토키와 쿠룬다 꽃밭은 만들어지는거야 Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! It's all up to you Oh! It's all up to you Oh! It's all up to you Oh! 現実はカオス だから Find my way 켄지츠와카오스 다카라 Find my way 현실은 카오스, 그러니까 Find my way 響く One-o-eight Oh how great 히비쿠 One-o-eight Oh how great 울리며 One-o-eight Oh how great 数えたらもうキリがない 카조에타라모우키리가나이 세어나가면 이젠 끝이없어 I dare stop counting up I dare stop counting up I dare stop counting up お気に入りをShake For a good sake 오키니나리오 Shake For a good sake 마음에드는것을 Shake For a good sake ハッピーになるおまじない わくわくしたい 핫피니나루 오마지나이 와쿠와쿠시타이 행복해지는 주술, 두근두근거려 Ah, いつだって Walking on a tight rope Ah, 이츠닷테 Walking on a tight rope Ah, 언제라도 Walking on a tight rope どこでもこの胸に Hope 怖くない 도코데모 코노무네니 Hope 코와쿠나이 어디라도 이 가슴에 Hope 무섭지않아 I'm not afraid of anything I'm not afraid of anything I'm not afraid of anything I just wanna see I just wanna see I just wanna see and find it out on my own and find it out on my own and find it ouy on my own 立ち止まる時もあるよね 타치 토마루토키모 아루요네 서서멈출 시간도 있는거같아 疲れたらたまにはのんびり 츠카레타라 타마니와 논비리 지쳤으니까 가끔씩은 여유롭게 何回コケても It's okay Eight 난카이코케데모 It's okay Eight 몇번 이끼가 껴도 It's okay Eight 数えて Rise again 카조에테 Rise again 세어서 Rise again Keep it up. Bear up with Keep it up. Bear up with Keep it up. Bear up with your pace No matter how long, your pace No matter how long, your pace No matter how long, the time will tell, the time will tell, the time will tell, Here, there, everywhere! Here, there, everywhere! Here, there, everywhere! 可能性 It's all up to you 카노우세이 It's all up to you 가능성 It's all up to you 近道なんてない だから Go! My way!! 치카미치난테나이 다카라 Go! My way!! 지름길따윈없어 그러니까 Go!My way!! Ah, この長い Winding road はどこへ Ah, 이 기다란 Winding road와 도코에 Ah, 이 기다란 Winding road는 어디로 僕らをいざなうだろう? 보쿠라오 이자나우다로? 우리들을 유혹하는걸까? 答えなんてない No, I don't wanna hear 코나에난테나이 No, I don't wanna hear 답따위없어 No, I don't wanna hear I just wannna see I just wanna see I just wanna see and find it out what is it like and find it out what is it like and find it out what is it like 戦いはいつも真剣 타타카이와 이츠모 신케엔 싸움은 언제나 진검 So, 煩悩なんて Blow Away So, 본노우난테 Blow Away So, 번뇌따윈 Blow Away 7回転んだところで 나나카이 츠코론다 토코로데 7번 넘어진곳에서 Eight 数えて Rise Again Eight 카조에테 Rise Again Eight 세어서 Rise Again 心配ないよ You'll be alright 신파이나이요 You'll be alright 걱정없어 You'll be alright 巡り巡ってGrab the Chance Here, 메구리메굿테 Grab the Chance Here, 끓고 끓어서 Grab the Chance Here, there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! there, everywhere! Come on! Yes!! It's all up to you It's all up to you It's all up to you 夢、希望、未来 Won't you shine my way 유메, 키보우, 미라이 Won't you shine my way 꿈, 희망, 미래 Won't you shine my way