멘사 셀렉트
'''연도''' | '''타이틀''' |
'''1990''' | 아발론(보드 게임), Scattergories, Taboo, Tribond, Trivial Pursuit |
'''1991''' | Clue, Lapis, Master Labyrinth, Pyramis, SET |
'''1992''' | Kinesis, Q4, TERRACE, Traverse, Why Not? |
'''1993''' | Farook, Inklings, Oerturn, Quadrature, 콰르토 |
'''1994''' | Char, Chung Toi, Downfall, 매직 더 개더링, Pyraos |
'''1995''' | Continuo, Duo, Quixo, 달무티, Word Spin Scramble |
'''1996''' | Pirateer, Quadwrangle, Rat-a-Tat Cat, 젝스님트, Touche |
'''1997''' | Hattrick, 쿼리도, 러시아워 시리즈, Sagarian, Stops |
'''1998''' | Avalam, Cube Checkers, Kram, Spy Alley, Wadjet |
'''1999''' | Apples to Apples, Bollox, Doubles Wild, Fluxx, Quiddler |
'''2000''' | 3 Stones, Finish Lines, iMAgiNiff...Game, Time's Up!, ZERTZ |
'''2001''' | Brain strain, Dao, Metro, Shapes Up!, ThePollGame |
'''2002''' | Cures!, 드본, Legend of Landlock, Muggins!, Smart Mouth |
'''2003''' | 블로커스, Cityscape, Fire & Ice, Octiles, Trans America |
'''2004''' | 10 Days in Africa/USA, Basari, Bridges of Shagri-La, Rumis, 인쉬 |
'''2005''' | DaVinci's Challenge, Ingenious, Loot, Niagara, Zendo |
'''2006''' | Deflexion, 하이브(보드 게임), Keesdrow, 펜타고, Wits & Wagers |
'''2007''' | Gemlok, Gheos, Hit or Miss, 쿼클, Skullduggery |
'''2008''' | Amuse Amaze, Eye Know, Jumbulaya, 픽셀(보드 게임), 티키토플 |
'''2009''' | Cornerstone, 도미니언, Marrakech, Stratum, Tic-Tac-Ku |
'''2010''' | Anomia, 디지오스, Forbidden Island, Word on the Street, Yikerz! |
'''2011''' | InStructures, Pastiche, Pirate versus Pirate, Somple, Uncle Chestnut's Table Gype |
'''2012''' | Coerceo, 아이오타, Mine Shift, Snake Oil, Tetris Link |
'''2013''' | Forbidden Desert, Ghooost!, KerFlip!, Kulami, Suburbia |
'''2014''' | 듀크(보드 게임), Euphoria, Gravwell, Pyramix, Qwixx |
'''2015''' | 드래곤우드, Lanterns, Castle of Mad King, Ludwig, Trekking the National Parks, Letter Tycoon |
'''2016''' | Circular Reasoning, Favor of the pharaoh, last spike, New York 1901, world's fair |
'''2017''' | Around the World in 80 days, AMALGAM, Clank!, Harry Potter Hogwarts, imagine |
'''2018''' | Azul, Photosynthesis, constellations, Ex Libris, Raiders of the North Sea |